Student Spotlight
Kelan Traylor

By: Caitlin Doyle, PR student intern

Kelan Traylor Headshot

Kelan Traylor is a senior from Tupelo, Miss., majoring in communication with a double concentration in both public relations and theatre. Traylor is an orientation leader, S.P.A.R.K. crew leader, New Maroon Camp counselor, a member of the MSU honors college, and the director of membership for Maroon V.I.P. His dream job is to become an actor, but he would also enjoy working for Warner Bros. as a PR coordinator. 

Why communication?
I chose communication because it felt like a true calling to want to help people. I have always been told I have the personality and skills to be in PR, but I never believed it. It took me a while as I switched majors a lot, but communication was something I just fell in love with as I am able to showcase myself a lot more. 

Favorite class so far?
Public Relations Multimedia.

Advice for incoming communication students?
The advice I would give is to have fun, but also realize that you can/will be working for a company or organization at the end of it. You will be in small classes so everyone will be familiar. The last thing is to give it your all on the things you crate because it will make future classes and even your career easier. 

Best advice you’ve received from a professor?
“You are amazing and have really great writing skills, keep writing and you will make it really far. You are such a great person and one day you will be working for a great organization”

Favorite place on MSU’s campus?
The welcome center, since I am Director of Membership for Maroon VIP.

Guilty pleasure show?

Favorite Starkville restaurant?
Bin 612

Davis Wade Stadium or Dudy Noble Field?
Davis Wade for football but Dudy Noble for the atmosphere. 

Do you drink coffee? If so, what is your coffee order?
Yes as of right now Iced Sugar Cookie Almond Milk Latte with extra sugar cookie pumps.