Student Spotlight
Sarah Kate Wolf

By: Caitlin Doyle, PR student intern

Sarah Kate Wolf Headshot

Sarah Kate Wolf is a senior from Franklin, Tenn., majoring in communication with a concentration in communication & media studies. Wolf is a member of Pi Beta Phi sorority on campus. Her dream job is to be a wedding planner.

Why communication?
I chose communication because I loved the variety in content and how everything you learn can be applied in every aspect of your future! This department helps you grow as a person and a professional and helps you feel well prepared for life after graduation.

Favorite class so far?
Small Group Communication

Advice for incoming communication students?
Enjoy your time as a student because it goes so fast! Make sure you will be happy with your experiences here when you look back in 20+ years!!

Best advice you’ve received from a professor?
You will end up exactly where you are supposed to be!! 

Favorite place on MSU’s campus?
Chadwick Lake! 

Guilty pleasure show?
I have wayyy too many to choose from! I am a big tv watcher.

Favorite Starkville restaurant?
Bin 612

Davis Wade Stadium or Dudy Noble Field?
Davis Wade!!!

Do you drink coffee? If so, what is your coffee order?
Vanilla latte with oat milk or a simple black coffee!